Washing Machine Used

Wascomat 438970141 Washer MOTOR SU620E used condition 438970141

Wascomat 438970141 Washer MOTOR SU620E used condition 438970141
Wascomat 438970141 Washer MOTOR SU620E used condition 438970141
Wascomat 438970141 Washer MOTOR SU620E used condition 438970141
Wascomat 438970141 Washer MOTOR SU620E used condition 438970141

Wascomat 438970141 Washer MOTOR SU620E used condition 438970141   Wascomat 438970141 Washer MOTOR SU620E used condition 438970141

This Wascomat washer, model # 438970141, is a reliable and efficient machine that has been used to process laundry in commercial settings. Its motor, the SU620E, has been proven to provide powerful and consistent performance, ensuring that your laundry is processed quickly and effectively. This washer has been well-maintained and has all the features you need to make your laundry tasks a breeze. Whether you're a business owner looking for a reliable machine for your laundromat or a homeowner looking to upgrade your laundry room, this Wascomat washer is the perfect choice.

Wascomat 438970141 Washer MOTOR SU620E used condition 438970141. We part out 10 washer, only 8 with good bearing, so we list 8 motor with no bearing noise.

Wascomat 438970141 Washer MOTOR SU620E used condition 438970141   Wascomat 438970141 Washer MOTOR SU620E used condition 438970141